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Paddle Canada Intro to Tandem Moving Water Canoe Instructor Course, SK

Location: Barker Lake, SK

Dates: June 5-9, 2024

Cost: $750 plus gst (does not include PC membership of $100)


A successful candidate will be certified by Paddle Canada to teach on Class I water. Candidates will be evaluated on their paddling skills, teaching skills, and safety throughout the course. A successful Moving Water Introduction to Tandem candidate is considered capable of performing basic shore and water-based river rescues, including self-rescue. The candidate demonstrates instructor quality river maneuvers such as eddy turns and ferries while paddling tandem. Candidates will teach theory and paddling skills using participant centered learning and progression.   Click HERE for more info on the Paddle Canada website. You will need to register into 2 courses on the Paddle Canada website once they are set up.  You will be notified when they are ready for registration.

Food:  Everyone is responsible for their own food.  You will need 5 lunches, 4 suppers and 4 breakfasts.  If you know others on the course, you can choose to cook meals together if you wish. We will have cooking pots and utensils that you can use (cooking on a fire box).


Prerequisites: You should have some experience canoeing before you come in order to get the most out of the course.  You will need to show intermediate tandem canoe skills on class 2 water in order to pass the course.

Cancellation Policy:  If you need to cancel or withdraw, you can have a refund minus a $45 admin fee 2 weeks before the start date.  No refund within 2 weeks of the start date.


June 5: You will meet at the Youth Farm Bible Camp for 8am and we will travel together in the van to Devil Lake (just north of Missinipe). It is about a 4.5 hour drive.  You can pack a lunch or we can make a quick stop in La Ronge on the way through if you wish to purchase something.  We will put in at Devil Lake and paddle to Barker Lake to set up a base camp.  If there is time, we will start going through some course material around camp and just get to know each other better.

June 6-8: We will run the course in the lake and white-water channels around Barker Lake.  You will each have to show your canoe skills (on-going evaluation) and you will each be given teaching topics to teach the rest of the group during the course.

June 9: Finish up the course as needed.  Paddle out and drive back to the camp in Rosthern.  Aim to be back around supper, but it could be later if needed.


Cost Includes:

  • canoe gear (canoes, paddles, pfd's)

  • Safety equipment (throwbags, first aid kit, emergency communication)

  • Group camping gear (tarp, axe, saw, fire box, etc.)

  • Group cooking equipment (pots, stoves, utensils, fuel)

  • Instructors


You need to provide:

  • Food (5 lunches, 4 suppers, 4 breakfast)

  • Personal camping gear (tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad)

  • Wetsuit or drysuit – the water is cold in June and with learning you have a good chance of swimming during the course!

  • Lots of layers and extra warm clothes

  • Paddling helmet (the camp has some extras if you need one – you will need to reserve)

  • Paddle Canada membership after the course (approx. $100)        


Transportation Details:

We will provide van transportation from the YFBC to Missinipe, but you can also drive on your own and meet us there. If you are coming from further away you could stay at the camp before and after the course. Contact Ang for more details at:


Medical Form and Waiver:

In order to participate in this trip, you are required to sign an Adult Waiver or Youth Informed Consent. You will also need to fill out the online medical form.

EMERGENCY EVACUATION AND TRIP CANCELLATION: In rare cases, if you have an emergency and need to be evacuated from the trip, you will be responsible for any extra charges.  The quickest way to get off a trip is via floatplane or helicopter and if we contact these companies directly for the quickest service, you will be responsible for the expense.  To ensure that there are no surprises, we recommend that you get evacuation insurance.  An evacuation could be very costly in remote locations, so we recommend that you are covered through your credit card or another plan.  One option available is Tugo Insurance at:  You may also want to consider purchasing trip cancellation insurance if for some reason (i.e. illness), you are unable to go on the trip.

Wind River, Yukon
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