Aha! Adventure - Reindeer Lake, SK
Dates: Sept 7-15, 2024
Cost: $1400 plus gst
It has been said that the Reindeer Lake is one of the most beautiful lakes in the world! It is 22nd largest freshwater lake in the world. Since it is a massive lake, we will only explore a small part of it in our fall trip. It has many islands, sandy beaches and rocky outcrops to explore. Our plan is to start from Southend and paddle to Deep Bay. The bay was formed from a meteorite crater. From there we will explore many beautiful bays, islands and channels. The fishing will also be amazing in the fall and we will have a few base camps to explore from.
There will be a pre-trip meeting via Zoom. After you register, you will receive an email when this will occur. At the pre-trip meeting, you will meet your group and we will discuss clothing selection, food planning, packing techniques, meals and travel logistics.
All of our Aha! Adventure trips are "community catered". All participants and guides take their turn providing and cooking breakfasts and suppers on the trips. Everyone looks after their own lunches and snacks. This is a fun way to share, try new meals and learn how to bake and cook in the backcountry. Guides will help at every meal and give you lots of assistance!
Prerequisites: No experience necessary. Guides can teach you what you need to know on your trip. You should have an average fitness level.
Cancellation Policy: A $500 non-refundable deposit is required to register. The balance is due 30 days before the trip start date. No refunds on or after this date. We recommend trip cancellation insurance.
Sept 7: Travel to Rosthern or Missinipe. You can join the van from Rosthern (leaving at 1pm) and travel with the group if you wish. We will plan to stay at the Paddlers Hostel for night. https://goo.gl/maps/J6FsYW2VNP2s62J2A Try and aim to be there by 7pm to meet the group. If you are there early, there are restaurant options or you can bring your own food and eat at the hostel. You will share a small cabin with others from your trip for the night.
Sept 8: Travel 2 1/2 hours north in the van to Southend and the put in. It can be a rough road. We will do a short paddle to our first campsite and review canoe skills.
Sept 9-13: Paddle and explore the south end of Reindeer Lake from a couple of base camps. We hope to see Deep Bay and explore many bays and islands and have lots of time for fishing and enjoying the fall colors.
Sept 14: Take off the water around noon and travel back to Missinipe where we will stay in the Paddlers Hostel again for night.
Sept 15: Drive the rest of the way home.
Cost Includes:
Safety equipment (throwbags, first aid kit, emergency communication)
Group camping gear (tarp/shelter etc.)
Group cooking equipment (pots, stoves, utensils, fuel)
Experienced and qualified guides
All canoe gear (canoes, paddles, pfd's)
2 nights at the Paddlers Hostel
Transportation Details:
If you are meeting us in Rosthern, please be here by 1pm on Sept 7. If you want to meet us in Missinipe, please be there by 7pm and meet us at the Paddlers Hostel: https://goo.gl/maps/J6FsYW2VNP2s62J2A There is parking at Churchill River Canoe Outfitters during the trip.
In order to participate in this trip, you are required to fill out all your registration and medical information.
EMERGENCY EVACUATION AND TRIP CANCELLATION: In rare cases, if you have an emergency and need to be evacuated from the trip, you will be responsible for any extra charges. The quickest way to get off our remote trips is via floatplane or helicopter and if we contact these companies directly for the quickest service, you will be responsible for the expense. To ensure that there are no surprises, we recommend that you get evacuation insurance. An evacuation could be very costly in remote locations, so we recommend that you are covered through your credit card or another plan. One option available is Tugo Insurance at: https://www.tugo.com/en/travel-insurance/canadians/. You may also want to consider purchasing trip cancellation insurance if for some reason (i.e. illness) you are unable to go on the trip. If cancellation is required at the last minute, you will need to have trip cancellation insurance. This will protect yourself and Aha! Adventures and allow us to offer great trips into the future.